A flexible and easy way to get the right space
- Great for parties and short-term events
- Payments are fully peer-to-peer
- Premium membership not required
So many choices!
Find the perfect fit.
Renting land in Second Life gives you so many choices to get exactly what’s right for you.
For instance, you can rent land that is a blank slate, ready for you to build your creation, or you can rent developed land built around a theme that is perfect for the community that lives there.
Looking for a place that caters to your interests? There are thousands of developed regions with rentals designed around every imaginable theme, common interest, and maturity level.
Because renting a parcel is between the tenant and the landowner, you can negotiate the best deal that works for you.
Commonly asked questions about renting land
Why would I want to rent land?
The world of Second Life consists of nearly a half million acres of virtual land, and almost all of it belongs to other users, or Residents. As more new users join Second Life, we keep adding more and more virtual land - so the world actually gets bigger every day. Think of it this way: the world of Second Life is like a 3D version of the web, where you can explore and interact with everyone else who is using it at the same time. Virtual land is like a 3D web site: a blank space where you can make anything happen.
How do I find land for rent?
There are many ways to find land in Second Life. If you're logged in using the Second Life Viewer, you can go into the Search menu, and click on the Land tab. This will give you a sortable price list of different areas of land. Or on the web, you can use Search to find land to buy, rent, or bid on in land auctions.
Who do I pay when I rent?
When you rent land, you rent from other residents directly. Methods range from "pay the landlord directly" to "pay a scripted box" to "payment form on a website". Savvy landlords figure out ways to manage this, so be sure to find out the preferred method when you speak with a landlord. You can find much more information on renting in this Knowledge Base article.
Are there rules for renting land?
Yes, there is normally a covenant or a notecard given to you by the land owner which outlines their policies.
How do I get started renting out land that I own?
Land rental is a thriving business in Second Life. If you own a large amount of land or a Private Estate, it can be profitable for you to lease some of your land to other Residents. To learn the details of renting out your land, check out this Knowledge Base article.
What is a covenant?
A covenant is a kind of contract, defined by the owner of the Private Region, to which you must agree before renting the land. It may outline details such as local theme, rental fees, architectural regulations, and rules of behavior.
Okay, I have land. Now what?
Once you have land, begin shopping around for a prefab home, shop or office. Or learn how to build your own home, and begin constructing your virtual masterpiece. For more information on buying things for your land, go here. For more information on building, go here. And congratulations: we can't wait to see what you're going to do with your new space!
Rent on mainland
The mainland continents form the core of Second Life’s vibrant community.
- Terraform range:
- Usually +/- 4 m
- Custom terrain textures and environment settings?:
- Not permitted
- Land usage rules:
- Mainland policies, also ask landlord
*The Terms of Service always apply. - Do you "buy" a parcel to rent it?
- No, you pay a rent box or similar device
Rent on private estates
Private estates offer more variety of options, both for land owners and those who rent from them.
- Terraform range:
- Up to +/- 100 m
- Custom terrain textures and environment settings?:
- Determined by landlord
- Land usage rules:
- Landlord's covenant
*The Terms of Service always apply. - Do you "buy" a parcel to rent it?
- Yes, but landlord can reclaim it at their discretion